Ship Details (Part 9)
Phoenix II —FAQ (IOS)
FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz
Version: 4.6 | Updated: 02/03/2025
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide
Ship Details & Strategies
Ship Details (Part 9)
Detailed Stats & Strategies for Below Ships & Apexes (Part 9) | |||||||||
Reaper | Luna | Zhetass | Neni | Xavis | Claymore | Starless | Kibarrax | Banshee | Zimitr |
Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV
Ship Class: Blitzkrieg
Main Weapon: Vengira Swarm
- Average DPS
= 25
- Homing
= Very Good (Maximum Turning Rate = 1200)
- Weapon Class = Continuous Stream
- Spread
= -90° to 90° (Extremely Wide)
- Rate of Fire
= 0.08s (Fast)
- Projectile Speed
= 240 to 0 with a deceleration of 900, then an acceleration of 600 after 0.35s (Medium)
- Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 6
- Swarms of flies that come out from its branch-like structures that quickly home into their targets
Survivability (Daily Missions): D-
Survivability (Community Missions): D-
- (-) Absolutely no defence.
- (-) Poor DPS from all of Vengira Swarm, Laser Storm
and Focus Lance
- (+) Aside from Focus Lance
, Reaper is entirely automatic aiming
- No need to worry about hitting Invaders so long Laser Storm
is large enough.
- No need to worry about hitting Invaders so long Laser Storm
- Expect to dodge a lot, and go upfield or even circle around Invaders frequently.
- (-) Very poor turret popping capability.
- Vengira Swarm goes everywhere and hits everything without explicit turret targeting.
- Focus Lance
helps in turret popping but isn't abusable enough.
- Focus Lance
only quickly pops off turrets from Herons
and Eagles
- Vulture
turrets take longer since 1 Focus Lance
cannot pop it off.
- Focus Lance
- Laser Storm
helps slightly but not by much.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A
- Stay in the middle of the field between waves to try and minimize Vengira Swarm travel time.
- Keep Laser Storm
active whenever possible.
- Because Vengira Swarm and Laser Storm
damages effect fast, Focus Lance
may not always be ideal at the start of a wave.
- For early Acts, it may be better to use Laser Storm
and Vengira Swarm to finish off Invaders.
- Charging Focus Lance
pauses Vengira Swarm for a while.
- Laser Storm
and the Vengira Swarm projectiles already on field might already heavily damage your target Invaders as Focus Lance
is charging.
- Only use Focus Lance
against Ravens
, not against Sparrows
- For early Acts, it may be better to use Laser Storm
- (+) Because Reaper is pretty much an automatic aiming ship, not much to take note of when speedrunning other than optimizing Focus Lance
and keeping Laser Storm
up at all times.
- (-) Very difficult to optimize for speedrunning since an almost entirely automatic aiming ship means a lot of RNG at play.
- Luckily, Laser Storm
usually refills to max radius
after being used each time, making it lenient on the optimization of Laser Storm.
- Luckily, Laser Storm
Fun Factor: S-
- (+) Aside from Focus Lance
that aims forward, Vengira Swarm and Laser Storm
are both automatic aiming.
- This makes Reaper's gameplay quite stress free.
- Simply fire Focus Lance
at the start of a wave, then feel free to move around wherever you want.
- (+) Excellent ship visuals, with animated dragonfly-like wings and Vengira Swarm is awesome to watch in action.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- (-) Very muted Vengira Swarm impact sounds, as the critical hit sounds are louder than the impact sounds.
- The base form and apexes of Reaper were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Reaper are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- Reaper was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- While all ships bank / tilt to one side when moving, Reaper has a reduced degree of banking compared to most other ships.
- Reaper has the most animated ship visuals. Viewing Reaper in the ship selection screen is nothing like viewing it in the ship view screen (after tapping on the ship card in the ship selection screen)
- Reaper doesn’t use thrusters to fly, unlike most ships. Instead, it uses its animated wings like a real dragonfly.
- Reaper Tau is the only ship/apex which has damage means that cover all 3 damage types. Vengira Swarm covers High Impact
, Laser Storm
Shield Breaker covers Shield Breaker
and Focus Lance
covers Armor Piercing
- It’s funny that this ship isn’t named Dragonfly instead, given its actual similarities to its real life counterpart.
- Coincidentally, there is an Invader in the predecessor game of Phoenix 2, Phoenix HD, which is also named Reaper. There is no relationship between the 2 entities of the same name in both games. Here's how Reaper looked like in Phoenix HD:
Tau (LS
Shield Breaker) - ¢40.000
Value: A
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): D- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): D- [No significant change]
- (+) Opens up viability in easier Shielded
missions, especially laser
heavy missions.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [No significant change]
- (+) Laser Storm
Shield Breaker
downs shields quite fast so that Vengira Swarm can go in and deal critical hits.
Fun Factor: S [+]
- (+) Expanded viability for Reaper in Shielded
Lambda (FL
Lance Wake) - ¢30.000
Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): D [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): D [+]
- (+) Slightly easier to pilot in bullet heavier missions.
- Riding up Focus Lance
is like riding Vorpal Lance
- This allows it to get out of some tight spots.
- Given that Focus Lance
is fairly abusable, this apex helps a bit.
- Riding up Focus Lance
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A [No change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [No change]
Fun Factor: S- [No change]
Strong against: Dart/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Shuriken/Boomerang, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser
Weak against: Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Ship Class: Close Combat
Main Weapon: Ataras Laser
- Average DPS
= 37.5
- Laser Beams
= 14
- Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
- Capacity
= 900ms
- Reload Time
= 0.6s (Medium)
- Beam Width = 1.5
- 14 converging laser beams that get cut off at certain distances away from the ship. The diagram below describes the number of lasers that will hit an Invader within that range. Each laser beam has the same damage.
Survivability (Daily Missions): S
Survivability (Community Missions): S-
- (=) Very unique Ataras Laser.
- As shown in the diagram above, the full 37.5 DPS is only dealt if the Invader is within the range of all 14 of the individual beams
- Damage is reduced if you are further than the range of the full 14 beams
- As shown in the diagram above, the full 37.5 DPS is only dealt if the Invader is within the range of all 14 of the individual beams
- (+) Double Defences, Point Defence
and Teleport
keep Luna alive for very long.
- (+) Try your best to keep close to Invaders.
- Still acceptable if the Ataras Lasers hit Invaders at a range of 10-14 beams
- Keeping within 14 beams
(approximately a distance of 175) is not unreasonable since it is roughly 2 heights of Luna.
- 12 beams
(approximately a distance of 265) still gives a DPS of 34.375, which is the same as ships with a main weapon
with a spread
- 10 beams
(approximately a distance of 375) still gives a DPS of 31.25, which is the same as ships with a straight firing main weapon
- 8 beams
(approximately a distance of 480) gives a DPS of 28.125, 6 beams (approximately a distance of 585) gives a DPS of 25, 4 beams (approximately a distance of 670) gives a DPS of 18.75 and 2 beams (approximately a distance of 740) gives a DPS of 9.375.
- As it is much easier to keep close to Invaders in the initial part of the wave, it is easy to keep within 14 beams
for at least the first 2-3s or so.
- Still acceptable if the Ataras Lasers hit Invaders at a range of 10-14 beams
- Try to keep close for the initial part of a wave so that Invader shields can be downed quickly.
- Use Point Defence
to try and keep close to Invaders.
- Afterwards, it is not so necessary to keep at close combat range.
- Use Point Defence
- (+) Excellent turret popping capability.
- Going up close to Invaders in the initial part of a wave downs shields quickly.
- After which, you can retreat and pop off a turret with one burst so long you are within 8 beam
range or closer.
- You can even pop off 2 turrets on a Vulture
if you utilize the full 14 beams
- As Invaders go down, Teleport
upfield to collect particles for to regain Point Defence
- Repeat the process, so use Point Defence
to stay close to Invaders to kill Invaders faster.
- Repeat the process, so use Point Defence
- (-) Weak to lasers
- Dense Raven
crowds may carry many laser
turrets, coupled with dart spreads.
- In these waves, Teleport
near to these Ravens
to clear off one side of Ravens with lasers
to survive.
- In these waves, Teleport
- If too difficult, Teleport
is your best bet to escape.
- Against laser
spreads, it may be better to retreat all the way downfield. This will sacrifice a lot of DPS but is essential to survival.
- A safer alternative is to Teleport
all the way to the top border and avoid everything but forgo doing damage.
- Don't do this too early or Invaders may regenerate their shields.
- A safer alternative is to Teleport
- Dense Raven
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B
- (+) Very high DPS of Ataras Laser.
- Yet, very easy to handle.
- Even at some distance away, the Ataras Laser still can deal higher than or equal damage compared to ships with straight firing main weapons
- Point Defence
, Teleport
and Ataras Laser's full damage range of 14 beams
make it easy and pretty forgiving to stay in close enough range to deal the full 37.5 DPS.
- (-) No other means to deal damage other than using the Ataras Laser.
- (+) Very fast in taking out Invaders.
- 2 close up bursts of Ataras Laser kills a Shielded
- 1 close up burst of Ataras Laser kills a Shielded
- 1 close up burst of Ataras Laser kills 2 Shielded
- 1 burst of Ataras Laser can sweep early waves of only Sparrows
- 2 close up bursts of Ataras Laser kills a Shielded
- (+) Tears down shields very quickly.
- 1 full close up burst of Ataras Laser downs a Vulture's
- 2 full close up bursts of Ataras Laser downs a Condor's
- 3 full close up bursts of Ataras Laser downs a Roc's
- 1 full close up burst of Ataras Laser downs a Vulture's
- (+) Use Point Defence
aggressively to stay in close range of Invaders.
- In the presence of dart spreads, you can stay a bit further back and still deal the full 37.5 DPS.
- A good opportunity to alternate between using Point Defence
and grazing off darts to regain Point Defence Aura
- Against shuriken launchers/spreads, pellet spreads/spinners, stay close but prepare to retreat as Point Defence
- Once the shuriken launchers/spreads stop firing, use Teleport
to get in close range of Invaders again.
- Once the shuriken launchers/spreads stop firing, use Teleport
- (+) Use Teleport
to pace the Ataras Laser.
- After the last Invader of a wave dies and the burst ends, charge Teleport
so that the Ataras Laser does not fire when the next wave of Invaders have not fully arrived.
- Then use Teleport
to get up close to Invaders and Ataras Laser will fire, dealing the full close range of 37.5 DPS effectively.
- Bear in mind some waves have longer transitions (such as waves with a Vulture
/ Condor
in front of everything else) so let one burst of Ataras Laser go off first before charging Teleport
- After the last Invader of a wave dies and the burst ends, charge Teleport
- (+) When stuck at a corner after destroying all Invaders on one side of the field, use Teleport
to jump over to the other side to finish off the wave.
Fun Factor: A+
- (+) Very easy to handle Ataras Laser, with a very comfortable rhythm to it.
- (+) Soothing and calming Ataras Laser impact sound. It sounds like a kick drum without the very low sub-bass frequencies.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- (+) Great handling of Luna overall, backed up by Ataras Laser, Point Defence
and Teleport
- The base form and apexes of Luna were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Luna are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- Luna was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- The Tau Apex of Luna, being one of the more popular apexes, is commonly and affectionately referred to Tuna in Phoenix 2 communities.
- Luna Omega is the only Omega Apex so far that does not have a unique trait.
- Luna's Ataras Laser is 1 of only 2 main weapons
which stops halfway without hitting Invaders, since Ataras Laser beams
disappear after 2 of them meet each other at the center.
- Luna is the most expensive ship to fully upgrade (to 6-6-6) and get both its apexes, coming in at ¢102.300 (¢3.000 for buying Luna, ¢9.300 for fully upgrading, ¢40.000 for the Tau Apex & ¢50.000 for the Omega Apex), assuming you buy everything with your own credits (including buying to unlock the ship itself).
- Luna is the icon of the album cover art for the Phoenix 2 Game Soundtrack Anthem to the Stars.
- Luna Tau is featured in the newest game preview video of Phoenix 2.
Tau (PD
Bullet Detonator) - ¢40.000
Value: S+
Cost vs Utility: S
Survivability (Daily Missions): S [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): S- [No significant change]
- (+) Even more viable for Shuriken/MIRV and Dart/MIRV missions.
- (+) Faster to destroy Invaders due to the close combat fighting style of Luna, enabling Bullet Detonator to get more action.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [++++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S- [++++]
- (+) Strongly synergizes with the close combat playstyle of Luna.
- Actively encourages further aggression.
- Getting even closer to Invaders takes huge advantage of the Bullet Detonator apex ability.
- The need to use Point Defence
to stay in close range to maximize Luna's DPS is further rewarded by even more damage.
- (+) Use Teleport
to get back into close range of Invaders after retreating away from shuriken launchers/spreads or dart spreads.
- Picks up particles quickly to spam more Point Defence
for more Bullet Detonator damage.
- Picks up particles quickly to spam more Point Defence
- (=) Turret riding with this apex can be a bit difficult due to the forward firing nature of Ataras Laser, which eliminates the spinner itself quickly.
- To prevent this, turret ride at the side or on top of the turret.
- This way of turret riding is a bit more difficult.
Fun Factor: S+ [++]
- (+) The close synergy between maximizing the Point Defence
Bullet Detonator apex ability and the close combat style of Luna severely enhances the damage from both Bullet Detonator and Ataras Laser.
- (+) Crushing Invaders much more quickly from tons of damage caused by their own bullets is laughable, but enjoyable.
Omega (Teleport
Explosive Arrival) - ¢50.000
Value: A+
Cost vs Utility: B
Survivability (Daily Missions): S [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): S- [No significant change]
- (+) Faster to destroy Invaders due to the close combat fighting style of Luna, to get more action.
- (-) Not able to take out Shielded
in one Teleport
Explosive Arrival.
- However, upon arrival, a burst of Ataras Laser fires off immediately, quickly destroying the Raven(s)
you Teleported
- However, upon arrival, a burst of Ataras Laser fires off immediately, quickly destroying the Raven(s)
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [++++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S [++++]
- (+) Very strong synergy with the close combat fighting style of Luna.
- Teleport
in to deal the initial damage.
- This also maximizes Ataras Laser's DPS.
- Teleport
- (-) Teleport
Explosive Arrival is insufficient to kill a Shielded
- May run into turret collision since by being close to many Raven
- May run into turret collision since by being close to many Raven
- (+) Uses Teleport
in a very useful speedrunning way to deal damage, since Teleport isn't used much in a speedrunning context for Luna, other than to get closer to Invaders again after retreating.
- (+) Teleport
Explosive Arrival can be used here and there as the wave progresses, especially for heavier waves, allowing for extra damage constantly.
- Remember to allow Teleport
to cool off after stress using it against Ravens
at the start of a wave.
- Remember to allow Teleport
- (+) Very useful when sweeping early waves.
- Teleport
onto the largest Invader to reduce the number of Ataras Laser bursts needed to sweep the whole wave by 1.
- Possible to use against Sparrows
in early waves. However, this is difficult since you need to go very near to Sparrows which can be all over the field.
- Being able to eliminate 1 or 2 Sparrows
when a wave starts makes it a bit easier to sweep the whole field with Ataras Laser.
- Teleport
Fun Factor: S- [++]
- (+) Fun to deal great AoE damage against Ravens
on field.
- (-) Pretty stressful to speedrun with this apex because target switching between heavily damaged Shielded
is very difficult without leaking damage from the powerful Ataras Laser.
- (+) Very cool aesthetic design.
Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV
Ship Class: Double Defence
Main Weapon: Flux Array
- Average DPS
= 31.25
- Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
- Capacity
= 600ms
- Reload Time
= 1.6s (Slow)
- Beam Width = 8 (Main Beam), 2 (Spikes, which are treated like beams)
- Single forward firing laser
- Also has 4 blades at the sides which deal damage when on top of Invaders
- Also has 4 blades at the sides which deal damage when on top of Invaders
Survivability (Daily Missions): B
Survivability (Community Missions): B
- (+) Phalanx
is used primarily as a movement tool in order to allow Zhetass to move sideways to switch targets.
- Difficult if you are not familiar with how to use Phalanx
- Uuse diagonal shovels, then retreat back downfield at roughly the same speed as the bullets coming for you.
- Be careful of boomerangs
as you retreat downfield.
- Difficult if you are not familiar with how to use Phalanx
- (+) The same goes with Personal Shield
- Personal Shield
can also be used to move sideways, in the absence of lasers
in the wave.
- Personal Shield
- Phalanx
should always be deployed whenever possible.
- Allows you to quickly extract yourself from the corner whenever threatened by too many bullets.
- (+) On top of the 31.25 DPS, the 4 blades (2 left & 2 right) deal 3.125 DPS each.
- Think of the blades as very short beams, so the blades must be directly on top of an Invader.
- These "beams" have a length of 28, a duration of 0.5s and a short reload time of 0.02s.
- This makes it extremely difficult to deal this extra damage.
- Thus, Zhetass DPS is 31.25 DPS "with a bit of bonus damage at specific times".
- (+) These blades can be used against Sparrows
that spill out continuous dart streams since it can be difficult to use the thin Flux Array to eliminate these Sparrows.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B-
- (+) Powerful Flux Array. Be sure to optimize it well.
- Optimization is primarily using Phalanx
to switch between targets effectively.
- Optimization is primarily using Phalanx
- (+) For more optimization, if the next wave doesn't benefit from using Personal Shield
for laser reflection
, use Personal Shield as the last Invader of the previous wave dies.
- Before the wave fully arrives, exit Personal Shield
so the Flux Array fires just as the wave fully arrives.
- Before the wave fully arrives, exit Personal Shield
- (+) Because Phalanx
allows you to push forward, push forward when faced with multiple laser
spreads to maximize the laser catch rate and laser reflection
- After laser reflection
is done, use Personal Shield
Fade Out to go back downfield again.
- After laser reflection
- (+) Between bursts of Flux Array, use Zhetass' blades to deal some extra damage to Eagles
or larger since the downtime is quite long.
- Don't risk killing yourself with it since the blades' DPS are very low.
- Against Sparrows
, there's no point to use the blades unless they are heavily damaged (visibly on fire).
- It's usually better to finish them off with another burst of Flux Array.
- Try to have Phalanx
up at almost all times (except when the field is clean) to make changing targets much easier.
- When faced under both laser
and bullet fire, shovel to get rid of Phalanx
before the lasers fire to not waste Personal Shield
laser reflection
- (+) The blades can be used against Invaders stripped of their shields and have not been damaged by Flux Array in some time.
- This prevents their shields from regenerating.
- Learn how to sweep with Flux Array to optimize speed for Zhetass.
- Against Condors
and Rocs
that are not deadly, once their shield is downed, eliminate two front turrets side by side.
- Then go between them to deal damage from the blades constantly, utilizing all 4 blades.
Fun Factor: B
- (+) Good mobility provided by Phalanx
- (-) Difficult to use Flux Array since visual or audio cues are not obvious on when the next burst is going to go off.
- (=) Average impact sounds from Flux Array.
- (+) It's kind of fun to use the blades to eliminate Sparrows
- This eliminates annoyance from dart streamer Sparrows
- This eliminates annoyance from dart streamer Sparrows
- (-) Otherwise, Zhetass is a pretty unimpressive ship.
- (+) Intuitive ship core positioning, since its right in the center of Zhetass.
- The base form and apexes of Zhetass were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Zhetass are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- Zhetass was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- Zhetass is slightly asymmetrical. Some of the blue (technically, light sea green) and green-cyan parts of Zhetass aren't mirrored.
- Before Zhetass was released in v5.0, a few teasers were released by the devs in Discord.
- Zhetass is the only ship that has a close combat / melee weapon in the form of its blades which deal minor damage to Invaders. The blades' DPS also increase as the Flux Array is upgraded.
- It's funny how a Phalanx
+ Personal Shield
ship can exist given that back in September 2018, the devs said that this combination would not exist. However, this goes to show how game development can change dynamically as the game grows.
Gamma (PS
Supersize) - ¢15.000
Value: A
Cost vs Utility: S
Survivability (Daily Missions): B+ [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): B+ [+]
- (+) Clears a bit more bullets with Fade Out from the bigger Personal Shield
- (+) Protects Phalanx
entirely in the case more shoveling is possible after lasers fire.
- Allows the full health of Phalanx
to be always utilized properly.
- Allows the full health of Phalanx
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B- [No significant change]
- (+) Better laser coverage for possibly more laser reflection
- (+) Allows Personal Shield
to always deal the full laser reflection
damage back to Invaders instead of worrying about Phalanx
blocking off lasers
- (+) Protecting the currently deployed Phalanx
allow for better mobility of Zhetass to continue optimizing Flux Array after exiting Personal Shield
- This means potentially saving Phalanx
counters for ensuring better mobility in heavy waves.
- This means potentially saving Phalanx
Fun Factor: B+ [+]
- (+) No more awkwardness in deciding whether or not to deploy Phalanx
in fear you cannot deal the full laser reflection
damage from Personal Shield
Beta (PS
Focus) - ¢10.000
Value: B
Cost vs Utility: S
Survivability (Daily Missions): B+ [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): B+ [+]
- (+) Massively improved defence against lasers
- Easier to reflect off bursts after bursts of lasers
without using Phalanx
to protect yourself.
- Especially when Phalanx
is weak to lasers
- Easier to reflect off bursts after bursts of lasers
- (+) Helps a lot in Shuriken/Pellet/Laser missions, since Phalanx
can be dedicated to eliminating bullets instead of trying to also protect against lasers
- (+) Allows you to use Personal Shield
Fade Out more often in other missions which are not too laser
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B- [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B- [No change]
- (+) Potentially more laser reflection
damage on very laser
heavy waves.
- (=) Since the first round of laser reflection
will usually deal a lot of damage, it's usually faster to use the powerful Flux Array to finish off the wave after that.
Fun Factor: B [No significant change]
- (+) Can almost always reflect laser
fire, which is always a sight to behold.
Strong against: None in particular
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV
Ship Class: Full Offence (FO)
Main Weapon: Photon Bolt
- Average DPS
= 31.25
- Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
- Spread
= -0.5° to 0.5° (Extremely Narrow)
- Rate of Fire
= 0.01s (Extremely Fast)
- Projectile Speed
= 2000 with a deceleration of 900 (Very Fast)
- Reload Time
= 1.1s (Medium)
- Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 10
- 6 very thin, forward firing, projectiles that follow behind each other very closely
Survivability (Daily Missions): C+
Survivability (Community Missions): C+
- (-) Very little defence, with only Vorpal Lance
riding as your reliable defensive option.
- Mega Laser
is not a reliable way to get out of sticky situations for its long Charge Time
- Mega Laser
- (+) Vorpal Lance
riding is a very important skill for Neni, since it is a great last minute defence.
- Use it to escape a cluster of bullet mess. This solves many barricade issues and can cut through small shuriken clouds.
- (-) Difficult to use Photon Bolt, given it is very thin and the projectiles move very fast.
- (=) It takes 2 bursts of Photon Bolt to take down a turret on a Vulture
- Due to how thin Photon Bolt is, and how Neni does not have defences to keep it aligned to the turret, this can be difficult.
- Possible to use 1 burst of Photon Bolt and 1 Vorpal Lance
to get rid of a dangerous turret quickly.
- (-) Chasing down Sparrows
is very difficult, and Sparrows with lasers
are a huge problem.
- Get rid of them with Vorpal Lance
if required.
- Get rid of them with Vorpal Lance
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S-
- (+) A versatile speedrunning ship with Vorpal Lance
as AoE damage
and Mega Laser
as single target damage.
- (-) Photon Bolt is considered weak and should be considered more as supporting damage instead.
- One burst of Photon Bolt kills an Armored
just nice.
- Pretty inconsistent. Sometimes a burst will kill an Armored
AND a Sparrow
behind it as well, but sometimes, it doesn't.
- One burst of Photon Bolt + one Vorpal Lance
kills an Armored
- Of course, two bursts of Photon Bolt also kills an Armored
- One burst of Photon Bolt kills an Armored
- (-) Photon Bolt particularly struggles against Sparrows
since only 1 or 2 Sparrows can be eliminated per burst.
- The RNG movement of Sparrows
make taking Sparrows down very difficult, making speedrunning early waves a ton of RNG and very slow.
- The RNG movement of Sparrows
- Fake charging Mega Laser
here and there in short durations (maybe at max around 1s), will be necessary to pace the Photon Bolt.
- Once the line of fire defined by Photon Bolt appears, start charging Mega Laser
for the next wave if that burst of Photon Bolt finishes off the last Invader on field.
- Stay downfield when you fire off the last burst of Photon Bolt since it travels very fast.
- The line of fire defined by Photon Bolt just before it fires one burst can be used to line up Vorpal Lance
shots, although it's quite difficult to see.
- Because Photon Bolt is weak, it may be faster to throw a Vorpal Lance
in the same column as a burst of Photon Bolt.
- Just make sure that column doesn't have a Raven
or Sparrow
- Just make sure that column doesn't have a Raven
- If charging a second Mega Laser
for the same wave, try to wait until the purple line of fire appears before charging Mega Laser.
- When the line appears, one burst of Photon Bolt will fire even as Mega Laser
is charging.
- When the line appears, one burst of Photon Bolt will fire even as Mega Laser
Fun Factor: A-
- (-) Difficult to use Photon Bolt. The quick, compacted and fast bursts make it difficult to aim down Sparrows
- So yes, Sparrow
hunting is not fun. At all.
- So yes, Sparrow
- (+) Using Vorpal Lance
to pierce through multiple Invaders is fun.
- (+) Decent Photon Bolt impact sounds, they sound like they hit hard.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- The base form and apexes of Neni were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Neni are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- The headlights of Neni, which light up as the aiming line appears, are different for all of base Neni, Neni Delta and Neni Epsilon. The color of the headlights are purple, blue and red respectively.
- Neni was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- Neni is one of the only few ships that has mechanical moving parts.
- Neni's Photon Bolt used to be one of the most unwieldy main weapons
, like Icarus.
- Photon Bolt's burst duration is so short. Yet, the time between bursts is as long as Icarus.
- The firing rate of Photon Bolt was doubled in v5.2 (the number of projectiles in a single burst is split between the 2 new shorter bursts) and feels like a more normal ship to handle now.
Epsilon (VL
Twin Lance) - ¢25.000
Value: A+
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): C+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C+ [No significant change]
- (+) Increased clearance space provided by the wider Vorpal Lance
allows for easier Vorpal Lance riding.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S [+]
- (+) Catches more Sparrows
when using Vorpal Lances
against them.
- This means less chasing down of the remaining Sparrows
on field, particularly on earlier Acts, making earlier Acts faster.
- This means less chasing down of the remaining Sparrows
- (+) Also easier to catch more Ravens
with a single Vorpal Lance
Fun Factor: A [+]
- (+) Much less frustration in dealing against Sparrows
since the wider Vorpal Lance
has better chances of catching Sparrows in its wake.
Delta (ML
Armor Piercing) - ¢20.000
Value: A-
Cost vs Utility: S
Survivability (Daily Missions): C+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C+ [No significant change]
- (+) Eliminates Invaders a bit faster.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S- [No significant change]
- (+) The thin spread and fast firing nature of the Photon Bolt makes it difficult for Neni to setup Mega Laser
properly for the next wave to aim at the cockpit of Invaders.
- Thus, this apex negates the need for proper positioning.
Fun Factor: A- [No change]
Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, General - No Lasers, Shuriken/Boomerang, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser
Ship Class: Balanced
Main Weapon: Turbo Pods
- Average DPS
= 31.25
- Spread
= -4° to 4° (Very Narrow)
- Weapon Class = 2 successive Uninterruptible Bursts
- Rate of Fire
= 0.03s (Fast)
- Projectile Speed
= 1200 (Fast)
- Reload Time
= 0.7s (Medium)
- Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 5
- 2 alternating sets of 8 projectiles fired in a forward and zig-zag fashion
Survivability (Daily Missions): C
Survivability (Community Missions): C
- (-) All of Xavis' damage mechanisms are strictly forward firing.
- Difficult to deal damage to Invaders to the left and right of Xavis if not done quickly.
- (+) Focus Lance
clears out a few Ravens
at the start of a wave.
- (-) The rest of it is left to Turbo Pods and Ion Cannon
- (+) Ion Cannon
does a decent job to stun
some downfield Invaders.
- Meanwhile, if the wave isn't front heavy, Focus Lance
can punch a hole at one side to access some of upfield Invaders.
- Ravens
behind a Vulture
that survive after a Focus Lance
pose a problem since it's difficult to go upfield to kill them.
- Meanwhile, if the wave isn't front heavy, Focus Lance
- After using Focus Lance
, quickly stun
Invaders downfield.
- Then stun
the other Invaders behind them where possible.
- Then stun
- (=) Turbo Pods is slightly difficult to use.
- Use each side of Turbo Pods to focus down on 2 turrets of a Vulture
, Condor
or Roc
- Each side of Turbo Pods has a slight spread, which makes turret popping difficult unless you go closer to these larger Invaders.
- Use each side of Turbo Pods to focus down on 2 turrets of a Vulture
- (-) Pretty difficult to stun
upfield larger Invaders.
- Get rid of smaller Invaders downfield otherwise you won't get back Ion Cannon
to continue stunning
the larger Invader.
- Surviving smaller Invaders downfield may make going back downfield hard, or have turrets that can kill you from below.
- Hard to not have dangerous turrets on larger Invaders not fire.
- Get rid of smaller Invaders downfield otherwise you won't get back Ion Cannon
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B
- (+) Use Focus Lance
as frequently as possible.
- On most dense waves and sufficiently heavy waves, you can use Focus Lance
twice, since Turbo Pods and Ion Cannon
aren't particularly powerful.
- On most dense waves and sufficiently heavy waves, you can use Focus Lance
- Use Ion Cannon
against bunched up Ravens
and Sparrows
- Especially Sparrows
where possible, as the Turbo Pods' spread and left-right alternating make it hard to shoot down Sparrows.
- Especially Sparrows
- Allocating one side of Turbo Pods for one Raven
, and the other side for another Raven is not a bad idea so you don't have to think too much about the left-right alternating nature of Turbo Pods.
Fun Factor: B-
- (+) Focus Lance
is quite fun to use.
- (-) Pretty difficult to use Turbo Pods.
- The spread of each side of Turbo Pods make it difficult to land shots from far away.
- The left-right alternating and the horizontal distance between Turbo Pods make it confusing to use.
- (+) The Turbo Pods look and sound like fireworks.
- (-) Quite easy to get cornered since Xavis can't deal damage sideways.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- The base form and apexes of Xavis were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Xavis are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- Xavis was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- In the v6.2 update, the engine effects for Xavis were re-worked along with the UI update.
Alpha (IC
Overcharge) - ¢5.000
Value: D-
Cost vs Utility: B
Survivability (Daily Missions): C [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C [No significant change]
- (+) Stuns all turrets of Condors
with only 1 Ion Cannon
, making Condors a lot more survivable.
- (+) Possible to stun all turrets of a Vulture
with only 1 Ion Cannon
- This requires very precise positioning.
- Given their lower health, it's easier to simply stun the whole Vulture
with 2 Ion Cannons
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B- [No change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B [No change]
Fun Factor: B- [No change]
Gamma (IC
Blast Amplifier) - ¢15.000
Value: B
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): C+ [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): C+ [+]
- (+) Deals much better against denser waves, including Ravens
and Sparrows
- (+) Less Sparrows
to deal with since more get eliminated by Ion Cannon
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+ [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [+]
- (+) Destroys denser waves significantly faster.
- (+) Destroys more Sparrows
easily with the increased blast radius
of Ion Cannon
- (+) A bit faster against larger Invaders such as Herons
and Eagles
Fun Factor: B [+]
- (+) Much more responsive Ion Cannon
Strong against: Dart/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser
Ship Class: Close Combat
Main Weapon: Mirawave Cannons
- Average DPS
= 25
- Homing
= Perfect (Maximum Turning Rate = 1200)
- Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
- Spread
= -7.5° to 7.5° (Narrow)
- Projectile Speed
= 400 to 1200, but acceleration of 200 only starts after 0.15s (Medium)
- Reload Time
= 1.1s (Medium)
- Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 11
- 2 sets of 13 homing projectiles from each side of the ship
Survivability (Daily Missions): S-
Survivability (Community Missions): S-
- (+) The homing of Mirawave Cannons makes Claymore pretty stress free.
- (+) Claymore allows you to easily move around, especially with Teleport
to jump away from dangerous situations.
- (+) Very effective against Ravens
- Teleport
right on top of a Raven's
cockpit and throw a Goliath Missile
right into its face and POOF, gone.
- No need to worry about Ravens
counter attacking.
- Try to find a Raven
to Teleport
to so you can move away afterwards, rather than using a second Teleport to get out.
- Using Teleport
consecutively after eliminating the Raven
puts a strain on Teleport.
- Using Teleport
- Teleport
- (+) Use Goliath Missiles
at point blank range using Teleport
whenever possible.
- Throwing Goliath Missiles
wildly at the start of a wave is not guaranteed to land them on Invaders, or land them at optimal locations.
- Throwing Goliath Missiles
- (-) Not able to pop turret easily with Mirawave Cannons.
- However, Teleport
allows you to get in close range of turrets to have a high chance to pop them off.
- This can be useful just after a turret has fired its burst, or before spinners or Doomsday Weapons can start firing.
- Don't use Goliath Missiles
to pop off turrets as the blast damage
is important to optimize.
- However, Teleport
- Other than landing Goliath Missiles
accurately or popping turrets, it's better to stay downfield to dodge more easily.
- (+) You can circle around Invaders or stay upfield if it is easier, especially in laser
heavy missions.
- (-) You may find yourself Teleport-ing
a few times especially in heavier waves, so be careful of the Charge Time Increase
for Teleport.
- Reserve at least 2 Goliath Missile
counters against Eagles
in heavy or front heavy waves.
- Goliath Missiles
should always aim to eliminate all dangerous Ravens
, Herons
and Eagles
quickly as a wave fully arrives.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+
- (+) Go right on top of Invaders and throw Goliath Missile
right into their face.
- If you can, try not to use Teleport
because charging Teleport wastes time.
- This usually applies for throwing Goliath Missiles
right into the face of downfield Invaders.
- This usually applies for throwing Goliath Missiles
- If you need to move quickly with a lot of bullets blocking your way, stress use Teleport
to get around.
- This is especially against Shuriken/MIRV missions, or very dart heavy missions.
- Throwing Goliath Missiles
right into the face of Invaders is the crux of going fast with Claymore.
- If you can, try not to use Teleport
- Mirawave Cannons are just supporting damage.
- Since it's projectiles are homing
, there's no need to focus on them.
- Instead, focus on landing Goliath Missiles
- Since it's projectiles are homing
- Good to land Goliath Missiles
on Herons
and Eagles
since Mirawave Cannons will kill Herons after a Goliath Missile is fired.
- On denser waves with mostly Ravens
, pre-fire Goliath Missiles
so they land on Ravens at the center and two sides of the field to kill most of them.
- Save Mirawave Cannons for the cleanup.
- Mirawave Cannons take some time to charge up, and its projectile travel speed isn't very fast.
- As Wave 1-1 begins, delay about 2s before engaging touch.
- Against upfield Ravens
, especially behind a Vulture
, Teleport
in and hit them with Goliath Missiles
- Usually better to Teleport
to one side to throw the first Goliath Missile
- Then Teleport
to the other side and throw the other Goliath Missile
- This mitigates the risk of being shot blank.
- However, for laser
heavy missions, it may be easier to just quickly head over to the other side without using Teleport
- Usually better to Teleport
- (-) The weak DPS of Mirawave Cannons slows Claymore down.
- (-) Due to Invader RNG movement, speedrunning can be inconsistent especially when landing Goliath Missiles
Fun Factor: S
- (+) Easy to handle Mirawave Cannons. Just let it do its own thing.
- (+) Easy, stress free ship. Go wherever you want easily with Mirawave Cannons' homing
and Teleport
- (+) Fun to Teleport
right into the thick of the action to fire Goliath Missiles
right into their face. Take that, Invaders!
- (+) Landing Goliath Missiles
optimally vaporizes Ravens
quickly is very satisfying.
- (=) Average impact sounds from Mirawave Cannons.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- Claymore was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- Claymore was based off a ship design by a young fan (slightly older than 5 years old) of Phoenix 2.
- He also sent a scanned version of a handwritten note to the devs.
- The drawing was then made into the actual Claymore ship by Rogier van de Beek, who designed many other ships and apexes.
- The GIF below shows the final ship super-imposed on the original drawing:
- The sounds made by Claymore are created by Lars Tesselaar.
Lambda (GM
Disintegrator Warhead) - ¢30.000
Value: S
Cost vs Utility: S
Survivability (Daily Missions): S+ [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): S [+]
- (+) Significantly increases viability in Shuriken/MIRV missions.
- (+) Particularly useful against Caged MIRVs
- (+) Perfect for close combat encounters, Teleport
in without the worry of dying.
- Just don't Teleport
in when dart launchers/spreads are firing because you will still die at point blank range.
- Just don't Teleport
- (+) Wipes out boomerangs
, pellets (including those released by MIRVs) and other slower bullets with lethal efficiency.
- (+) Much easier to use Teleport
to launch Goliath Missile
precisely to hit at the correct timing, which makes the timing of bullet clearance more precise and predictable.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+ [No significant change]
- (+) Allows you to do significantly more risky Teleports
to launch Goliath Missiles
- (+) May even allow you to not use another Teleport
, and quickly move over to the other side to fire another Goliath Missile
- The Goliath Missile
Disintegrator Warhead eliminates the bullets around to possibly give you a clear path to the other side.
- The Goliath Missile
- (+) Severely enhances the close combat style of Claymore by making it significantly safer to do so.
- (+) Allows you to do MIRV
grazing very easily, since a Goliath Missile
Disintegrator Warhead eliminates the bullet mess after all the MIRVs explode.
Fun Factor: S+ [+]
- (+) Love to blast Goliath Missiles
in Invaders' face? This apex makes it so much easier to do that without much risk of dying.
- (+) Satisfying bullet clear from Goliath Missiles
Delta (Teleport
Extended Clearance) - ¢20.000
Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: B
Survivability (Daily Missions): S- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): S- [No significant change]
- (+) Allows you to Teleport
slightly further away from Invaders when going in for the kill with Teleport to launch Goliath Missiles
- (+) Slightly better viability in Shuriken/MIRV missions.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [No change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+ [No change]
Fun Factor: S [No change]
Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet/Laser
Weak against: None in particular
Ship Class: Safer-FO
Main Weapon: Plasma Blasters
- Average DPS
= 31.25
- Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
- Rate of Fire
= 0.1s (Fast)
- Projectile Speed
= 1000 (Very Fast)
- Reload Time
= 1.2s (Slow)
- Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 3
- 4 consecutive sets containing 5 sets (arranged in a upward chevron pattern) of 2 side-by-side projectiles
Survivability (Daily Missions): B-
Survivability (Community Missions): B-
- (+) Reflex EMP
gives Starless a fair bit of survivability since it clears a sizable area of bullets.
- (+) The Plasma Blasters are great for turret popping.
- One full burst pops off one turret on a Vulture
- The projectiles travel fast, so aiming at turrets is hardly an issue.
- One full burst pops off one turret on a Vulture
- (-) Difficult to aim Plasma Blasters at smaller Invaders.
- Plasma Blasters projectiles travels so fast.
- Difficult to catch Invaders spaced apart horizontally even if slightly.
- Starless is a special case where you rarely use Reflex EMP
at the start of a wave.
- Using Reflex EMP
at the start of the wave to damage Ravens
is likely cause their shields to regenerate.
- The Plasma Blasters is hard to sweep the whole field, and there is cooldown time.
- At most, you can only catch Ravens in 2 columns before shield regeneration kicks in.
- Using Reflex EMP
- (=) This makes using Reflex EMP
more defensively more common with Starless.
- (+) Since Plasma Blasters and Goliath Missiles
are forward firing mechanisms, Reflex EMP
can be used to change sides of the field after clearing out one side of the field.
- Since a lot of damage is concentrated in front with Goliath Missiles
and Plasma Blasters, move forward as one column of Invaders goes down.
- Then charge Reflex EMP
to more easily move over to another column, and also deal AoE damage.
- Since a lot of damage is concentrated in front with Goliath Missiles
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+
- (+) The combination of AoE damage from both Goliath Missile
and Reflex EMP
makes Starless pretty fast.
- (-) Bad synergy between Plasma Blasters, Goliath Missile
and Reflex EMP
- Goliath Missile
is a slow acting offense, because it moves slowly.
- Meanwhile, both Reflex EMP
and Plasma Blasters are fast acting offences.
- Goliath Missile
- (-) The problem is, after releasing Reflex EMP
, a burst of Plasma Blasters goes off immediately.
- Trying to aim Plasma Blasters is very difficult due to how short and fast Plasma Blasters is.
- Plasma Blasters will eliminate Invaders in front of you too quickly after exiting Reflex EMP
- You don't have a chance to fire Goliath Missiles
since most Invaders in front are already killed.
- The solution to speedrunning with Starless is unconventional. There are many different scenarios to consider.
- First, consider a wave with Sparrows
and only Ravens
- For these waves, use Reflex EMP
to wipe out the Sparrows
- Then sweep away the Ravens
as best as possible with Plasma Blasters.
- If Ravens
still remain after one burst of Plasma Blasters, use a Goliath Missile
or 2 to clear off the rest of them.
- For these waves, use Reflex EMP
- Consider a wave with Sparrows
and Herons
- Use only one Goliath Missile
to clear out all Sparrows
if possible.
- If not, use Reflex EMP
- Use only one Goliath Missile
- Consider a wave with Herons
and Ravens
- Sweep and try to strip off the shields of both Herons
and Ravens
- Then use Reflex EMP
to kill them all.
- Any heavily damaged Invader remaining is not ideal. But if so, just use another burst of Plasma Blasters to clear the wave.
- Sweep and try to strip off the shields of both Herons
- Against Ravens
, try not to use Plasma Blasters against them.
- Instead, use 2 Goliath Missiles
or 1 Goliath Missile + Reflex EMP
and aim it against a Heron
or larger to deal indirect damage to Ravens
- Instead, use 2 Goliath Missiles
- Against Sparrows
, try to use Reflex EMP
against them.
- First, consider a wave with Sparrows
- (+) For very heavy waves, Starless is extremely powerful.
- Launch Reflex EMP
- Then throw out up to 3 Goliath Missiles
- This combination (especially with 3 Goliath Missiles
) is powerful enough to crush all Sparrows
, as well as take out 2 Shielded
+ 2 Shielded Eagles
- Launch Reflex EMP
- (-) It is inevitable Plasma Blasters and Goliath Missile
will compete against each other for damage.
- By the time Reflex EMP
goes into action after one burst of Plasma Blasters, many Invaders, especially Ravens
, will be either gone or significantly weakened, which makes Reflex EMP have overkill damage.
- By the time Reflex EMP
- (+) Using Reflex EMP
a bit later allows for a cleaner field for the next wave.
- In a formation of 3 Ravens
, use 2 bursts of Plasma Blasters.
Fun Factor: A-
- (-) The awkwardness of Plasma Blasters, Goliath Missile
and Reflex EMP
makes Starless frustrating to play,
- Particularly for Goliath Missile
- After releasing Reflex EMP
, the Plasma Blasters immediately goes off, destroying everything in front most of the time.
- Instinctively, after releasing Reflex EMP
(which is usually the first thing that goes off for most ships), It's easy to throw out Goliath Missiles
, because they are usually only useful at the start of the wave.
- This makes Goliath Missiles
miss very easily.
- Particularly for Goliath Missile
- (-) Playing as recommended by this guide is ideal, but very unconventional and difficult to adapt to.
- In very dense and/or heavy waves, there will still be Invaders in front even after Reflex EMP goes off
, followed by the Plasma Blasters.
- In these cases, Goliath Missile
can still hit something.
- Such waves get crushed quickly, which is very satisfying.
- In these cases, Goliath Missile
- (+) Great Plasma Blasters impact sound that feel and sound powerful.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- The base form and apexes of Starless were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Starless are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- Starless was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- Starless was one of only 2 ships that only had one apex when it was first released.
- The Sigma Apex was only available at v5.0.
- The Epsilon Apex was subsequently introduced at v5.0.1.
- Starless is one of 4 ships where its apexes have a different thruster configuration/location than its original base form. The Epsilon Apex features one huge thruster instead of 3 smaller thrusters. The Sigma Apex and the base form have the same thruster location/configuration.
- Starless Epsilon is featured in the newest game preview video of Phoenix 2.
- Starless is Captain Merrick's ship in the campaign.
- According to the devs, Starless is the best fit since it is a traditional ship and fits his personality.
- The name of the main weapon
, Plasma Blasters, also fits his personality well. According to the dev, he loves to have "blasting" talk.
- Starless makes a cameo appearance in Mission #19, #20 and #22 (In it's stunned state, similar to how Invader turrets are stunned) of the Campaign.
- Starless also directly provides support by firing 3 consecutive volleys of 1+2+2 extra powerful Disintegrator Warhead Goliath Missiles to wipe out the 4 Eagles in Mission #29 of the Campaign.
Sigma (REMP
High Damage) - ¢35.000
Value: A
Cost vs Utility: B
Survivability (Daily Missions): A- [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): A- [++]
- (+) Kills Shielded
significantly faster.
- (+) Can help against very heavy waves with many Shielded
and Eagles
- (+) Wipes out Unprotected
clean off the field.
- Thus, viable in Unprotected
missions as well.
- Thus, viable in Unprotected
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S [++]
- (+) Just deals more AoE damage in general across all Invaders.
- (-) Doesn't change the fact that 2 more Goliath Missiles
(without damage from Plasma Blasters) is still needed to take out a Shielded
after damaged by Reflex EMP
- (+) Potentially saves one burst of Plasma Blasters against a dense wave of Ravens
if you can sweep efficiently after exiting Reflex EMP
- (+) Can help against very heavy waves with many Shielded
and Eagles
- (-) Due to the speed of Plasma Blasters, a few Ravens
may still regenerate their shields.
- You need to sweep all Ravens
within 3 bursts of Plasma Blasters after you exit Reflex EMP
to make full use of this apex ability, and not allow Ravens to regenerate their shields.
- If the Ravens
are all upfield, the benefit of this apex is hugely reduced unless there are more than 4 Ravens.
- Realistically, a sweep of Plasma Blasters affects at best 3 Ravens
on one side of the field.
- Realistically, a sweep of Plasma Blasters affects at best 3 Ravens
- You need to sweep all Ravens
- (+) A lot more useful in Unprotected
missions since Goliath Missile
+ Reflex EMP
High Damage combo can go very fast.
- No more Unprotected
that needs cleaning up by Plasma Blasters after using Reflex EMP
- Use Goliath Missiles
on Herons
and Eagles
, while directing Plasma Blasters on Vultures
or larger.
- Charge Reflex EMP
so the Plasma Blasters will fire on Vultures
or larger after exiting Reflex EMP if possible.
- Otherwise, the Plasma Blasters can be unleashed on Eagles
- Otherwise, the Plasma Blasters can be unleashed on Eagles
- No more Unprotected
Fun Factor: A+ [+]
- (+) Makes wiping out Shielded
easier only if there are a lot of them.
- (+) Great apex to take out on Unprotected
missions since Goliath Missile
+ Reflex EMP
High Damage combo can wreck Unprotected missions.
Epsilon (GM
High Capacity) - ¢25.000
Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): B- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B- [No significant change]
- (+) Useful in heavier waves such as 4 Eagle
formations where separation of the Eagles are quite likely.
- You can thus stockpile Goliath Missiles
and to quickly kill the Eagles
- With 6 separate forms of AoE damage (5 from Goliath Missile
, 1 from Reflex EMP
), you are pretty much guaranteed to wipe a heavy wave of many Eagles
- You can thus stockpile Goliath Missiles
- (+) Allows to stockpile Goliath Missiles
from previous waves for such heavy and/or dense waves.
- For other waves, just use Plasma Blasters + Reflex EMP
- For other waves, just use Plasma Blasters + Reflex EMP
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+ [No significant change]
Fun Factor: A- [No change]
Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser
Ship Class: Blitzkrieg
Main Weapon: Umomu Lasers
- Average DPS
= 31.25
- Weapon Class = Interruptible Burst
- Capacity
= 40ms
- Rate of Fire
= 0.07s (Very Fast)
- Reload Time
= 1.4s (Very Slow)
- Beam Width = 4
- 2 sets of 9 forward firing lasers which are spaced far apart
Survivability (Daily Missions): C
Survivability (Community Missions): C
- (-) Absolutely no forms of defence.
- (-) The Umomu Lasers are horizontally spaced far apart, making turret popping difficult, even on a Vulture
- A full burst of Umomu Lasers pops off 2 turrets on one side of a Vulture
when aimed correctly.
- Very difficult to aim correctly with no defences to hold position.
- A full burst of Umomu Lasers pops off 2 turrets on one side of a Vulture
- (+) Surprisingly, the horizontally spaced distance of Umomu Lasers is perfect to reach 2 difficult-to-reach turrets on a Roc
- However, more than 1 bursts of Umomu Laser is needed to pop them off.
- More efficient to use Missile Barreling into the 2 difficult-to-reach turrets to pop them off.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X
Speedrunning (Community Missions): X
- (+) Mega Bomb
vaporizes all Unprotected
- Unprotected Herons
too, if Fusion Core
lands on them.
- It may sometimes be hard to land Fusion Core
on Herons
due to how some Mega Bomb
Charge Times
get pretty long.
- Stress charging Mega Bomb
is usually only for Vulture
front waves, or waves with a Condor
or Roc
- Stress charging Mega Bomb
- Unprotected Herons
- One of the hardest parts to master for Kibarrax is it's interruptible Umomu Lasers.
- If very well optimized, the Umomu Lasers can shave off significant time since Umomu Lasers' reload time is 1.4s.
- Use Missile Swarm
to finish off the wave if you intend to charge Mega Bomb
for the next wave.
- Don't use Missile Barreling if you intend to do this.
- If you don't intend to charge Mega Bomb
for the next wave, Missile Barreling works very well, but make sure the wave is fully destroyed after that.
- In early waves, in Acts 1 - 2, use Umomu Lasers such that it is JUST enough to kill off wave 2 or wave 4. There are many techniques involved here.
- Use just enough Umomu Lasers to kill off the Invaders.
- The Umomu Lasers consist of 9 individual beam segments with a difficult-to-see pause between beam segments.
- The number of beam segments allow a burst of Umomu Lasers to be split up between 2 waves.
- Delay the Umomu Lasers between wave transitions by fake charging Mega Bomb
- You want to make sure the Umomu Lasers is always hitting something.
- Try to fire Missile Swarm
in every wave where possible as well.
- Be very careful of your particle uptake in these early waves.
- Sometimes, retreat more downfield and use less Missile Swarm
- This means allowing Missile Swarm
to have some travel time to Invaders to allow the next wave to have more Missile Swarm.
- This allows the next wave to be cleared with one burst of Umomu Lasers and Missile Swarm
- Make sure to target all Invaders on field.
- To do this without taking up too many particles, when the wave fully arrives, from the midfield, go upfield very briefly to lock on to all Invaders and fire Missile Swarm
- To do this without taking up too many particles, when the wave fully arrives, from the midfield, go upfield very briefly to lock on to all Invaders and fire Missile Swarm
- Sometimes, retreat more downfield and use less Missile Swarm
- If there is only one Invader in that wave, such as a Heron
or an Eagle
, do Missile Barreling to kill it instantly and waste very little of the Umomu Lasers.
- This usually happens in wave 4 of an Act a lot.
- If so, drain the full burst of Umomu Lasers in wave 3 instead.
- Sometimes, in wave 4 of an Act, a huge part of a Umomu Lasers burst is still available, way more than enough to clear the wave.
- If so, don't fake charge Mega Bomb
, wasting some of the Umomu Lasers to allow charging Mega Bomb for the next Act faster.
- If so, don't fake charge Mega Bomb
- Use just enough Umomu Lasers to kill off the Invaders.
- From Act 3 onwards, always drain a full burst of Umomu Lasers before charging Mega Bomb
- Fake charge Mega Bomb
if needed between waves.
- Fake charge Mega Bomb
- Make sure Umomu Lasers are always hitting something since 31.25 DPS is quite a lot.
- Land both Umomu Lasers on a Heron
, or one of each Umomu Lasers on each Raven
- This is for waves you don't intend to use Mega Bomb
on, since Ravens
don't exist after an Mega Bomb.
- This is for waves you don't intend to use Mega Bomb
- Land both Umomu Lasers on a Heron
- Generally, a wave with anything more than or equal to 3 Herons
, or 2 Eagles
is ideal for Mega Bomb
and to land Fusion Core
on 2 Herons / Eagles, or anything larger such as Vultures
- A wave with just 2 Eagles
may or may not be a good idea to charge Mega Bomb
. This depends on the next few waves.
- A wave with just 2 Eagles
- If you need anything more than 2 Missile Swarm
(doesn't need to be full size, just 2 Missile Swarms) to finish off the wave, it may be ideal to use Mega Bomb
for that wave.
- Sometimes, it is better than land Mega Bomb
on the Vulture
or Condor
instead of landing it on Herons
together with a lot of Ravens
because of turret collision.
- Needs very good estimation, being able to drain a full burst of Umomu Lasers, and use Missile Swarm
to kill off a Condor
or a Roc
- This lets you land Fusion Core
at the most ideal spot in the next wave (if applicable).
- Do Missile Barreling to get rid of difficult-to-reach turrets on Condors
and Rocs
- Use the nicely spaced apart Umomu Lasers to destroy the other 2 difficult-to-reach turrets.
- Use Umomu Lasers to get rid of any other 2 turrets if necessary, then standby to fire off Missile Swarm
and charge Mega Bomb
- This lets you land Fusion Core
- Not always advantageous to land Fusion Core
on Condors
and Rocs
if you are overfilling on Aura
too much.
- Instead, charge more downfield to conserve particles since Missile Swarm
damage is likely to outweigh Fusion Core
- Instead, charge more downfield to conserve particles since Missile Swarm
- If the welcoming party for a Roc
contains dart launchers/spreads, you likely have to charge one Mega Bomb
to get rid of the welcoming party.
- Remember T2 dart launchers are not a threat when charging Mega Bomb
- Try to land Fusion Core
on the Roc
, so try drain Missile Swarm
on the previous wave.
- In some cases, if the reload time of the dart launchers/spreads are long enough, you can dodge a burst or 2 from the darts and still land Fusion Core
on the Roc
- It is still recommended to wipe out the welcoming party only when the Roc
fully arrives, as you will see later when using Missile Swarm
- It is still recommended to wipe out the welcoming party only when the Roc
- Otherwise, try to leave charging Mega Bomb
to wipe out the welcoming party just as the Roc
fully arrives, so that you won't overfill on Aura
- If you can land Fusion Core
on the Roc
, using particles from the previous wave, do Missile Barreling on the Roc.
- With particles from the destroyed welcoming party, do Missile Barreling again.
- Reserve the third Missile Swarm
to finish off the Roc
so you can charge Mega Bomb
early for the next wave, if applicable.
- Remember T2 dart launchers are not a threat when charging Mega Bomb
- (+) Landing Fusion Core
on an Unprotected
, using a full burst of Umomu Lasers, and firing off an almost full Aura
of Missile Swarm
kills it instantly.
- Killing it instantly may not always be ideal.
- Sometimes you want to drain the full burst, go above or below the Vulture
, fire off Missile Swarm
and charge Mega Bomb
- However, if the Vulture
has fast reloading turrets, especially MIRV
Bloomers or pellet spinners (wall), eliminate the Vulture instantly.
- It may be worthwhile to charge Mega Bomb
for a wave with just one Vulture
to wipe out the wave instantly. Make sure you have a full Missile Swarm
Fun Factor: S
- (+) Hyper fast obliteration of Invaders with Kibarrax is extremely fun.
- (+) Mega Bomb
blows Unprotected
back to the void where they belong.
- (-) Pretty frustrating Umomu Lasers.
- Its interruptible burst nature and pretty long duration of each burst make it difficult to exhaust a full burst of Umomu Lasers.
- Not uncommon to let go and charge Mega Bomb
, just to come out of Mega Bomb and realize a tiny last fraction of the burst hasn't fired, causing much frustration.
- Takes a lot, a lot of practice with Kibarrax to fully understand when to release touch to charge Mega Bomb
to avoid the situation above.
- (-) The 2 Umomu Lasers being spaced very far apart makes aiming at smaller Invaders difficult, especially against Ravens
and Sparrows
- (+) Great impact sounds from Umomu Lasers, which sounds like juicy crab meat oozing out. (WARNING! This hidden text might sound a little gross)
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- The base form and apexes of Kibarrax were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Kibarrax are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- Kibarrax was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- Kibarrax is VERY SLIGHTLY asymmetrical. If you zoom in to the left and right sides of the ventilator holes beside the Umomu Lasers themselves, you can see that they are slightly different, the right side being a bit more distorted.
- While all ships bank / tilt to one side when moving, Kibarrax has a reduced degree of banking compared to most other ships.
- Kibarrax is frequently referred to as Crab in Phoenix 2 communities since it looks like one, particularly the Lambda Apex.
- According to the dev, Kibarrax's Umomu lasers are of Amaterasu laser type, which means color on black.
- Before Kibarrax was released, there were some teasers on the Discord by the devs.
- Kibarrax is one of 4 ships where its apexes have a different thruster configuration/location than the base form.
- It is also one of only 2 ships where both apexes and base forms have different configurations from each other.
- The Epsilon Apex duplicates the middle thrusters of the base form into 2, side-by-side, while bringing the other 2 thrusters closer to the middle 2 thrusters, but in an angled down fashion.
- The Lambda Apex similarly duplicates the middle thrusters of the base form, side-by-side, but brings the other thrusters on each side just right next to the middle 2 thrusters but horizontally all aligned.
- Kibarrax is amongst the most expensive Common
ship to fully upgrade (to 6-6-6) and get both its apexes, coming in at ¢64.800 (¢500 for buying Kibarrax, ¢9.300 for fully upgrading, ¢25.000 for the Epsilon Apex & ¢30.000 for the Lambda Apex), assuming you buy everything with your own credits (including buying to unlock the ship itself).
- Kibarrax's Umomu Lasers changed from an uninterruptible burst to an interruptible burst in the v5.5 update. It reduced the power of Kibarrax as the long Umomu Lasers burst was one of the reasons Kibarrax was very dominant over all other ships
- Kibarrax is the only ship which has an interruptible laser beam burst.
- Kibarrax makes a cameo appearance during the campaign, piloted by Sergeant Vortannis in Mission #21 of the Campaign, as a community wink as mentioned by the devs.
Epsilon (MB
Extended Range) - ¢25.000
Value: S-
Cost vs Utility: B
Survivability (Daily Missions): C [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): HX [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): HX [+]
- (+) Adds an extra layer of reliability when charging Mega Bomb
at unusual spots on the field, such as being upfield or being right on one of the vertical borders, so that you can catch all Ravens
and Sparrows
Fun Factor: S [No change]
Lambda (MS
Armor Piercing) - ¢30.000
Value: X
Cost vs Utility: X
Survivability (Daily Missions): C [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): HX [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): HX [+]
- (+) Missile Swarm
Armor Piercing
is able to kill Armored
Invaders significantly faster than normal Missile Swarm on Unprotected
- Even though Mega Bomb
won't kill Armored
without Fusion Core
, a brief sweep from Umomu Lasers (you may not need to exhaust a full burst) will do the job.
- Otherwise, a small usable Aura
size of Missile Swarm
does well to eliminate them.
- Even though Mega Bomb
- (+) Missile Swarm
Armor Piercing
is so powerful that Umomu Lasers are nothing but supporting damage to supplement Missile Swarm Armor Piercing.
- Still, aim one side of Umomu Lasers at the cockpit of Vultures
, Condors
and Rocs
where possible.
- This reduces the amount of Missile Swarm
needed to allow the next wave to use more Missile Swarm.
- This can make all the difference in not needing to wait for the reload time of Umomu Lasers, or wasting some time to get more Missile Swarm
- It may be hard to aim one of the Umomu Lasers on the Roc's
cockpit because sometimes you need to get rid of some of the Roc's turrets to charge Mega Bomb
for the next wave (if applicable).
- Still, aim one side of Umomu Lasers at the cockpit of Vultures
- (+) Like Unprotected
, the combination of Fusion Core
on Vulture, a full burst of Umomu Lasers (align one of them to hit the Vulture's cockpit) and almost a full Aura
of Missile Swarm
kill the Armored
Vulture instantly.
- Because Umomu Lasers are High Impact
, which suffer armor damage reduction, carefully plan and optimize full bursts of Umomu Lasers, especially on waves of later Acts.
- Like Kibarrax on Unprotected
missions, make sure you are always hitting something with Umomu Lasers.
- Use Missile Swarm
Armor Piercing
to finish off the current wave to charge Mega Bomb
on the next wave.
- Retreat all the way upfield if you have to.
- Like Kibarrax on Unprotected
Fun Factor: X [++]
- (+) Opens up new viability in Armored
- (+) Crushes Armored
Invaders brutally with extreme speed.
- (+) Literally looks like a crab. So hail the crab rave!
(Sorry, i couldn't resist)
Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV
Ship Class: Blitzkrieg
Main Weapon: Stormbringer
- Average DPS
= 25
- Homing
= Good (Maximum Turning Rate = 450)
- Weapon Class = Interruptible Burst
- Rate of Fire
= 0.3s (Medium)
- Projectile Speed
= 100 to 1000 with an acceleration of 700 (Slow)
- Reload Time
= 1.2s (Slow)
- Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 4
- 18 homing missiles that moves in sine waves
Survivability (Daily Missions): D-
Survivability (Community Missions): D-
- (-) No defence at all.
- (-) Low DPS from Stormbringer.
- (-) Goliath Missiles
are hard to aim.
- With such low DPS, it's easy to get overwhelmed at the end wave of a wave, so firing Goliath Missiles
downfield may be common.
- With such low DPS, it's easy to get overwhelmed at the end wave of a wave, so firing Goliath Missiles
- (-) Very difficult to pop turrets with Banshee since Stormbringer is homing
- It takes a short while after the Stormbringer projectiles are fired to enable their homing
- Stormbringer targets both turrets and Invader cockpits.
- There are 2 spawn points for Stormbringer.
- The projectiles of Stormbringer goes out at 45° to each side, and has a curvy path.
- By going near enough to turrets, Stormbringer is able to hit the turret reliably, popping it off.
- If you are too far away from the Invader, Stormbringer might target the cockpit instead, which you should avoid.
- It takes a short while after the Stormbringer projectiles are fired to enable their homing
- (-) The imperfect homing
of Stormbringer makes it miss Sparrows
- (+) Stormbringer's homing
means you can move to circle around Invaders if necessary.
- (+) Focus Lance
can pop off a turret on a Vulture
once the shield is downed.
- Since Goliath Missile
deals well against dense waves, Focus Lance
can be used for popping off turrets instead.
- Since Goliath Missile
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+
- (+) Despite Stormbriger's low DPS, the double AoE damage from Goliath Missile
and Focus Lance
is devastating.
- To alleviate the slightly wonky homing
nature of Stormbringer, go near to Herons
to down their shields, before using a Goliath Missile
to wipe it out.
- If a wave is dense enough, throw 2 or 3 Goliath Missiles
at one side of the field, then quickly head over to the other side and charge Focus Lance
- The combo wrecks Ravens
on both sides quickly, killing all or almost all of them.
- Also wrecks Sparrows
from the blast damage
of Goliath Missiles
- Stormbringer will hopefully get rid of Sparrows
on the side you used Focus Lance
- The combo wrecks Ravens
- If there are Eagles
, use Goliath Missiles
to get rid of smaller Invaders first (using Stormbringer to try and bring down the shields of Herons
- Then use Focus Lance
to weaken the Eagles
after their shields are downed.
- Then use Focus Lance
- Always aim Goliath Missiles
first, before charging Focus Lance
- If Goliath Missiles
and one burst of Stormbringer kill an entire wave, there's no point to charge Focus Lance
since it wastes time and is also subject to RNG.
- In early waves from Act 1 - 2, use Focus Lance
to eliminate 1 or 2 Ravens
where possible.
- Ensure you have at least 1 or 2 Goliath Missiles
on the next wave to repeat the cycle of using Goliath Missiles first.
- In early waves from Act 1 - 2, use Focus Lance
- One burst of Stormbringer on a Shielded
brings down its shield.
- Then use Focus Lance
to pop off the Vulture's
- Then use Focus Lance
Fun Factor: A+
- (+) Lots of AoE damage with Banshee from both Goliath Missile
and Focus Lance
- (+) The two means of AoE damage do not compete with each other due to how slow they are, so it's quite easy to allocate them properly.
- (-) You can miss Goliath Missiles
with Banshee frequently since it's hard to fire Goliath Missiles near to Invaders if you aren't speedrunning.
- (+) Quick obliteration of Invaders with Goliath Missile
and Focus Lance
- (+) After the initial burst of firing Goliath Missiles
and Focus Lance
, the rest is pretty stress free since Stormbringer is homing
- (-) Frustrating Stormbringer since it's very difficult to understand what it is aiming at, and difficult to control it.
- (=) Average Stormbringer impact sounds.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- The base form and apexes of Banshee were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Banshee are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- The Stormbringer missiles appear to be based off the missiles (of Level 2 lock-on) also used by Striker in the predecessor game Phoenix HD.
- Not only that, but the Level 3 lock-on missiles of Striker in the predecessor game Phoenix HD also look like the Goliath Missiles
used by Banshee (except Striker's ones have spikes on them since the Level 3 lock-on missiles fire off Level 1 lock-on missiles).
- Banshee was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
- Banshee is one of the only ships whose main weapon's
name is only one word, since most main weapon names are two words.
- The Phi Apex of Banshee, being one of the most popular apexes, is commonly referred to Phishee in Phoenix 2 communities.
- Banshee was one of only 2 ships that only had one apex when it was first released. The Phi Apex was only available at v5.0.
- The Sigma Apex was subsequently introduced at v5.0.1.
Sigma (FL
Expert Focus) - ¢35.000
Value: A
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): D- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): D- [No significant change]
- (+) Being able to fire Focus Lance
more frequently allows you to pop off 2 turrets from a Vulture
instead of just 1.
- Also useful against Condors
and Rocs
since you can pop off more turrets effectively.
- Also useful against Condors
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S- [++]
- (+) Allows Focus Lance
to be fired after slightly more than 1 full burst of Stormbringer.
- Remember that the Charge Time
of Focus Lance
is slightly reduced, so adjust a bit on the timing to pre-charge Focus Lance.
- (-) By the time the Goliath Missiles
and the first Focus Lance
are exhausted, there's not much to use Focus Lance on anymore.
- (+) Fire off one Focus Lance
on heavy waves at close range to catch 1 or 2 Ravens
, then use Goliath Missiles
against the other Ravens and Herons
- If there are no Ravens
but only Herons
, then down the Heron's shield, then use Focus Lance
to kill it.
- Then use a second Focus Lance
on Eagles
after their shield is downed.
- This potentially saves one Goliath Missile
- If there are no Ravens
- (+) Useful against waves with lots of Eagles
, especially 4 or more.
- (+) Able to use 2 Focus Lances
against a Vulture
, so slightly faster.
- Obviously, a lot more for Condors
and Rocs
- Obviously, a lot more for Condors
Fun Factor: A+ [No significant change]
- (+) Fun to spam more Focus Lances
Phi (GM
Disintegrator Warhead) - ¢45.000
Value: S
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): B- [++++]
Survivability (Community Missions): B- [++++]
- (+) Allows Banshee to survive bullet hell much more easily.
- (+) Goliath Missile
can be used as defence, firing them off one at a time in missions with only bullets to give yourself sufficient dodging space.
- Not too difficult to aim Goliath Missiles
sporadically with the clearance space provided.
- Aim for larger Invaders such as Eagles to ensure the bullet clearance effects since Goliath Missiles
are slow moving.
- Not too difficult to aim Goliath Missiles
- (+) Very useful against Caged MIRVs
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S- [++]
- (+) Significantly easier to sweep the field with Goliath Missiles
- The bullet clearance from Goliath Missile
allow you to more easily hop over to more Ravens
or Herons
to throw Goliath Missiles at.
- Due to the amount of Goliath Missiles
thrown on field, and thus, the amount of bullet clearance, it is quite easy to keep the field clear of bullets from Ravens
or Herons
- The bullet clearance from Goliath Missile
- (+) Against Herons
, when using the Stormbringer to down the shield first, Stormbringer's low DPS makes it inevitable that some bullets will start to appear on field.
- This would make moving around the field to throw Goliath Missiles
- This apex alleviates that and allows for leniency in terms of time to strip Herons'
- Be careful of being shot at point blank range by Herons
with dart turrets, because even Goliath Missile's
bullet clearance can't save you from darts at point blank range.
- This would make moving around the field to throw Goliath Missiles
Fun Factor: S- [++]
- (+) Much easier to play Banshee in missions with only bullets.
- (+) Satisfying bullet clear from Goliath Missiles
- Given Banshee's ability to clear fast, keeping up this bullet clearance is manageable.
Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/Boomerang, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: None in particular
Ship Class: Balanced
Main Weapon: Arurus Satellites
- Average DPS
= 25
- Target Tracking
= Instant
- Weapon Class = 8 Independent Uninterruptible Bursts
- (Invader Triggered - Independent)
- Capacity
- 500ms
- 700ms
- 900ms
- 1200ms
- 1400ms
- 500ms
- 700ms
- 600ms
- Reload Time
. Respectively,
- 1s
- 0.8s
- 1.7s
- 1.4s
- 1.2s
- 3s
- 2.8s
- 2.6s
- Beam Width = 2
- 8 independent laser beams
Survivability (Daily Missions): B+
Survivability (Community Missions): B+
- (+) Balanced offensive and defensive capabilities from both Stun EMP
and Reflex EMP
- (+) The offensive aspect means wiping dense waves fairly quickly.
- (-) Impossible to control where Arurus Satellites is targeting, which means very difficult to pop off turrets.
- (+) Use Stun EMP
to clear out Sparrows
so Arurus Satellites can target Ravens
and above.
- In the presence of Caged MIRVs
, use Stun EMP
on waves with less Sparrows
- Use Stun EMP
just as the wave fully arrives so that the pattern of pellets released by Caged MIRVs
are more predictable.
- Use Stun EMP
- Use Reflex EMP
to start waves with more Sparrows
so that you have less to dodge.
- This covers up for Stun EMP's
weakness in such situations with a heavy presence of Caged MIRVs
- This covers up for Stun EMP's
- In the presence of Caged MIRVs
- The Shield Breaker
nature of Arurus Satellites means you should try to strip Invaders of their shields first before using Reflex EMP
- After firing Stun EMP
at the start of the wave, circle around the field to strip as many Invaders of their shields as possible.
- Don't release Reflex EMP
at the end of the stun duration
- You need time to collect particles to fire off another Stun EMP
- Circle around Invaders to let the Arurus Satellites to go off, then release Reflex EMP
- You need time to collect particles to fire off another Stun EMP
- (-) Because the Stun EMP
+ Reflex EMP
combo cannot eliminate Shielded
, many Ravens on field means Ravens re-generating their shields.
- There will be some conflict of damage between Arurus Satellites and Reflex EMP
- There will be some conflict of damage between Arurus Satellites and Reflex EMP
- To alleviate the problem where Stun EMP
+ Reflex EMP
cannot eliminate Shielded
- Try to finish off a wave by being downfield.
- With a full Aura
size of Stun EMP
, start the next wave from as downfield as possible but still can have Stun EMP to stun
all Invaders.
- Fire Stun EMP
, then head upfield and collect particles from the previous wave.
- Fire off Stun EMP
once it is big enough to eliminate as many Ravens
as possible.
- If it can't be big enough, at least collect all blue particles.
- Try to collect as many green particles at the center of the field as possible.
- This may still result in some Ravens
being around since Stun EMP
may not be big enough.
- Of course, Arurus Satellites will still activate and do nothing since the targeted Ravens
have been already destroyed.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+
- (+) Stun EMP
+ Reflex EMP
can make Zimitr quite fast.
- (-) The weak Arurus Satellites limits Zimitr's maximum potential.
- (-) You only need to slightly pre-charge Reflex EMP
against early waves of Sparrows
to prevent Arurus Satellites from triggering.
- This is tough, charge too late and Arurus Satellites will trigger, wasting precious time in early waves.
- Charge too early, and Reflex EMP
does no damage
- (-) Very difficult to control the Arurus Satellites.
- Go on top of Invaders to reliably down the shields of larger Invaders such as Eagles
and Herons
before charging Reflex EMP
to deal the most effective damage.
- Use Stun EMP
to stun
all Invaders at the start of the wave, then go on top of Invaders to strip off their shields more safely.
- Try to go on top of a larger Invader such as a Heron
or Eagle
. Or don't be near Ravens
, since Ravens should not be targeted by Arurus Satellites.
- Be careful of turret collision.
- Once the shields of Herons
and Eagles
are downed, charge Reflex EMP
near them.
- Do this before all the Ravens'
shields re-generate.
- By going near to larger Invaders, you reduce the chances of Arurus Satellites targeting Ravens
after exiting Reflex EMP
- Do this before all the Ravens'
- Then, go over all the Ravens
and eliminate them.
- With such a wide range of reload times, it is pretty much impossible to synchronize them.
- Go on top of Invaders to reliably down the shields of larger Invaders such as Eagles
Fun Factor: B+
- (+) The Stun EMP
+ Reflex EMP
combo is very fun to pull off since they complement with each other.
- Individually, both doesn't deal a lot of AoE damage
- Individually, both doesn't deal a lot of AoE damage
- (-) However, it is not enough to destroy Shielded
- Because it is difficult to have Arurus Satellites target the many Ravens
on screen, some of them often regenerate their shields which gets annoying.
- Because it is difficult to have Arurus Satellites target the many Ravens
- (-) Muted and boring Arurus Sallites impact sound.
- (=) Average ship core positioning.
- The base form and apexes of Zimitr were designed by Romano Molenaar.
- The sounds made by Zimitr are created by Lars Tesselaar.
- Zimitr was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
Delta (SEMP
High Damage) - ¢20.000
Value: A+
Cost vs Utility: A
Survivability (Daily Missions): A- [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): A- [++]
- (+) Finally destroys Shielded
with a full Aura
size of Stun EMP
+ Reflex EMP
, so no more problems from Ravens re-generating their shields.
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [++]
- (+) Wipes out Sparrows
more easily in early waves.
- However, Arurus Satellites are still likely to trigger, wasting some time to reload.
- At least, you don't have to wait for them to trigger.
- While Arurus Sallites lock on fast, they don't fire quickly.
- (+) The Stun EMP
+ Reflex EMP
combination now wipes out Shielded
, so no more going around the field to finish off severely damaged Ravens.
- (+) Arurus Satellites can focus on other larger Invaders, so some of the Arurus Satellites will not activate and do nothing.
Fun Factor: A [++]
- (+) The capability to wipe out Shielded
with the Stun EMP
+ Reflex EMP
combination is extremely satisfying.
- (+) Much less frustration in dealing against the impossible to control Arurus Satellites, especially against Shielded
Epsilon (REMP
Extended Range) - ¢25.000
Value: B+
Cost vs Utility: B
Survivability (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]
- (+) Better bullet clearing capabilities.
- (+) More safe in killing upfield Sparrows
and Ravens
with Reflex EMP
Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]
- (+) Able to stay in front/behind larger Invaders such as Herons
and Eagles
such that Arurus Satellites will hit them instead of the Ravens
- Reflex EMP
can still damage Ravens
and Sparrows
in front/behind them.
- This allows you to camp there for a while, so you can receive more particles for a second Stun EMP
to wipe out Shielded
- Reflex EMP
Fun Factor: B+ [No significant change]